Along the Rim of Time
New print and electronic editions of Along the Rim of Time now available!
From ancient Roman Britain to the moons of Jupiter, from Scotland to Tibet to your own back yard, from this world to ones that never existed, twelve stories take you for a ride along the rim of time and myth. Includes one previously uncollected story, as well as updated author comments.
The following stories are available in Along the Rim of Time:
The Rim of the Wheel
From the Labyrinth of Night
Upon This Shoal of Time
The King Under the Water
Where is Thy Victory?
The Borders of Sabazel
Out of Darkness
The Blood of the Lamb
Pleasure Palace
The Test of Gold Wild Honey
The Avalon Psalter
"Carl's stories are now back in
circulation, giving new readers the chance to discover this unique
voice. Of the 11 stories contained here, all have some sort of
underlying mythic/historical theme, which is the author's forté.
Whether the story is fantasy or science fiction makes no difference,
as she deftly juxtaposes Greek legend among the red Martian sands,
reincarnated Chinese princesses among modern American tourists.
There's a thoughtful, rational quality present in each story that
gives each one that elusive oh-so-plausible air."
--Jayme Lynn Blaschke